Fully enjoy Thrustmaster Ecosystem on console (PS4. Xbox One) with the new TM Sim Hub. The TM SIM HUB allows to connect up to 4 Thrustmaster add-ons simultaneously on compatible Thrustmaster wheel bases.
Key Features
Connect up to 4 Thrustmaster add-ons simultaneously on your TM Compatible wheel base
Compatible on PS4 with T-GT and T300-Series racing wheels. Compatible on Xbox One® with TS-XW and TX-Series racing wheels. Compatible on PS4 and Xbox One® with games listed on the following website: https://support.thrustmaster.com/
The TM Sim Hub is compatible on PS4 & Xbox One® with:
The base of the Thrustmaster T-GT. T300-Series. TS-XW Racer and TX-Series racing wheels. The TSS Handbrake Sparco® Mod / TSS Handbrake Sparco® Mod +. The TH8A Add-On Shifter gearbox. On PS4 and Xbox One®. the TM SIM HUB allows you to simultaneously connect up to four accessories directly to the mini-DIN connector located at the back of the compatible Thrustmaster racing wheel s base.
Additional precisions on console multi-equipment
On Xbox One. the TM Sim Hub is compulsory to play with more than 1 add-on. TM Sim Hub has to be plugged in a compatible wheel base DIN port. Then add-ons (TH8A. TSSH) have to be plugged in the TM Sim Hub ports. On PS4. some games support/allow the TH8A plugged in the PS4 USB port and the TSS Handbrake plugged on the wheel base DIN port. On games not supporting the TH8A in USB. TM Sim Hub is then compulsory to play with more than 1 add-on.